
Most Read Articles from Last Week – November 29

James Chang is Working on the Biggest CMYKW 3D Printer Known to Humanity
What do you do when you’ve retired as a mechanical engineer? You build a giant, five-color 3D printer. At least, that’s what you do if you’re James Chang. The 45-year-old Taiwanese engineer has been…

MakerBot Announces Black Friday and Cyber Monday 3D Printer Sales
As if to celebrate a month of reaching out to ever greater numbers of consumers, MakerBot has announced reduced prices on their MakerBot Replicator and MakerBot Replicator Mini Compact 3D Printers. S…

Tridom Joins the Race for 3D Printed Affordable Housing
Technology can help the world address the gap between industrialized and developing countries. Mobile phones, for example, made it possible to rapidly bring the Web to the poorest nations in the world…

Neri Oxman Takes Us for a 3D Printed Polyjet Ride Into Astrobiological Exploration
When someone as talented, cultured and educated as MIT professor Neri Oxman is given a tool as powerful as Stratasys’ triple-jetting, multicolor, high-definition Objet500 Connex3 to express herself, t…

Researchers Develop a Reliable and Efficient Metal 3D Printed Part Stress Test
A group of researchers from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – LLNL – have produced a method to accurately and efficiently detect any residual stress in metal parts created in powder-bed 3D prin…

MIT Media Lab’s Mediated Matter Example Fast Learning In 3D Printing
Further to a recent collaboration with London’s Royal College of Art (RCA) Exploring Emergent Futures platform with it’s ‘Bench-top Factory’ investigation into the ramifications of desktop manufacturi…

Euromold 2014 — A Review of Day 1
When it comes to the first day of Euromold, manic doesn’t quite cover it. For any member of the 3D printing press, and we’re a growing breed, Euromold — held annually in Frankfurt, Germany at the end …

Solidscape is Unveiling new Software and an All-in-One 3D Printer Enclosure at Euromold
Stratasys subsidiary Solidscape has announced that it is using its upcoming appearance at Euromold 2014 to show off two new 3D printing software applications and the Solidscape Base 3D printer enclosu…

Space 3D Printing Has Arrived with the First Print in Space
At 9:28pm GMT on November 24th, the Zero G Printer from Made in Space completed its first print on the International Space Station (ISS), making it, not only the first 3D printer to make it to space, …

Reify Officially Debuts the Solus DLP 3D Printer
The SolusDLP is unleashed! We have reported on the Reify project before, and, now, the announcement has finally breached and the rest of the 3DP world can test for itself the ability of the high-resol…

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