
Most Read Articles from Last Week – October 18th

Update: Adam & Adam Plus All-in-One 3D Printers Hit Kickstarter
When it comes to the next stage in 3D printing technology, all signs seem to be pointing towards manufacturing hybrid 3D printers that are able to handle most 3D-related projects. The market has alrea…

Free 3D Printable of the Week: the USS Enterprise
In honor of New York Comic Con, taking place right now, we’re honoring what may be one of the most important franchises to have driven the popular love of sci-fi. While Comic-Con began as a celebrati…

10 Fun & Easy Halloween Costumes You Can 3D Print at Home
Halloween is probably my favorite holiday of the year and is a not-so-insignificant reason why I made the decision to purchase a 3D printer in the first place. I’m a kid at heart and Halloween is the …

A Trip to Stratasys Yields Report on 3D Printing’s Imminent Impact
Stratasys Direct Manufacturing held a media summit at its Austin, Texas headquarters earlier this year, and they have produced an interesting 3D printing study using information gathered directly from…

3DPrint360 Brings 3D Printing Full-Circle with Used 3D Printer Marketplace
Looking to unload your MakerBot 5th Gen? Or maybe you’d like to get your own full-color 3D printing business off the ground, but can’t afford a brand new ProJet from 3D Systems. Luckily, as the 3D pr…

SexShop3D Brings Safety to At-Home Sex Toy 3D Printing
Proving that 3D printing technology can be utilized for pleasure just as much as it is for business, SexShop3D is using additive manufacturing to produce customized sex toys that are both more afforda…

Raise3D Includes Everything But Kitchen Sink in 2nd Gen 3D Printers
I have gone through a few FDM 3D printers over the last few years and, at this stage, I need to upgrade to a much larger build area. as I’m tired of trying to glue pieces (at varying levels of success…

3D Print Your Own Personalized World of Warcraft Characters
For those who have dared to venture into the engaging and fanatical World of Warcraft universe, there is now a way to own your very favorite personalized character from the popular online multiplayer …

Ilios Ray Achieves 2 Micron SLA 3D Printing
Cyrpus 3D printer brand, Ilios3D, has designed its Ilios Ray SLA 3D printer in such a way that lends itself to high resolution, a substantial build volume, and, the manufacturer claims, great versatil…

3D Hubs HD Brings Industrial 3D Printing to Your Neighborhood
3D Hubs has already established itself as the leading network for distributed manufacturing, boasting over 23,000 3D printing hubs across the planet. These hubs – made up of individual Makers, organi…

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