
Free 3D Printable of the Week: Jupiter

For those who don’t know, Lord Jupiter is currently in my House of Finance, where it will soon be joined by Mars on October 17th, meaning big things for me ;).  So, for all of you Aquariuses out there, give back to the planet of good fortune by 3D printing it out and building an alter.  Sketchfab designer Mieke Roth has designed a beautiful and informational model of the fifth planet from the Sun, using images from the Hubble Telescope. Although Roth’s annotations won’t tell you what sort of luck you’ll be having this lunar cycle, they will tell you about the shrinking size of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, the density of the planet’s cloud layers, and four other facts about this gas giant.

It sounds like Lord Jupiter is in this designer’s House of Finance, too, as Sketchfab has added a new feature to their 3D modeling community that allows designers to embed a “Hire Me” button in their model’s description. The glowing button below Mieke Roth’s description of Jupiter lets viewers know that Roth is available for hire.  If Roth is an Aquarius like me, the stars will likely be shining down on this 3D modeling artist throughout the month, with a good chance for fortune on October 17.

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