
Most Read Articles from Last Week – January 24

Want to Make Money with 3D Printing? Read Up
As the readers of this media site probably know, the first thing most people say when you discuss 3D printing is: “this is awesome, let’s make money with it.” When people ask me how to make money with…

Draken 3D Printer: Resolution So Fine it Blows Your Mind
The Draken 3D printer from 3DFacture is a new digital light processing (DLP) 3D printer that would cost you under $2000, if you were to back it on Kickstarter. We’ve seen a similar campaign for the S…

Top 10 3D Printing Updates from CES 2015 3D printing at International CES 2015 was big, reflecting the technology’s transition from a purely industrial and Maker tool to something for consumers, too….

Top 10 3D Printing Updates from CES 2015
3D printing at International CES 2015 was big, reflecting the technology’s transition from a purely industrial and Maker tool to something for consumers, too. The 3D Printing Marketplace doubled its …

Which PLA is the Best for 3D Printing? Ask 3D Matter
On forums and social media groups devoted to 3D printing, the question is often raised of which filament manufacturer is the best. See, 3D printing filament can vary from supplier to supplier in terms…

3Doodler 2.0 Becomes 1st Hardware Sequel to Pass $1 Million on Kickstarter
The 3Doodler was one of Kickstarter’s most successful crowdfunding campaigns, raising over $1 million in one day when it was launched. In tandem with CES, the company behind the 3Doodler, WobbleWorks…

FELIX v3.0 3D Printers Now Bundled with Materialise Builder
Last week, some of the biggest news coming from 3D printer manufacturer Leapfrog 3D was that 3D printing software developer and service provider Materialise would be powering the manufacturer’s 3D pri…

3D Hubs Kicks Off 2015 with its January 3D Printing Trends Report
At the start of the new year, distributed 3D printing network 3D Hubs has released its first monthly trend report. The 3D Hubs trend reports analyzes the uses and opinions of both desktop and industr…

Sculptor Richard Loffler Uses 3D Printing for His Latest Massive Creation
Sculptor Richard Loffler has been creating breathtaking works of art from cast bronze for three decades now. Some of his work sit in museums, national parks and have been featured in exhibitions all o…

Smoothie-3D Makes 3D Modeling Run Smoothly for Free
One aspect that makes 3D printing a tough byte to swallow for some is the requirement of CAD modeling skills. That, incidentally, is one of the reasons why the 3Doodler is so successful, as using the …