
ZYYX 3D Printer to Minimize Printing Hassles

The first generation of low-cost desktop 3D printers have a steep learning curve.  Often built from kits, these early machines often take a good deal of patience and time to get to know and many consumers aren’t used to finicky machines that they have to calibrate and take apart.  The second generation of low-cost desktop 3D printers has begun to emerge, equipped with new features that take the hassle out of printing so that even the uninitiated should be able to get printing quickly and easily.  The ZYYX 3D printer is a Swedish designed, Chinese built machine that attempts to make the user experience as painless as possible.

zyyx 3D printer on desk

The ZYYX team has attempted to tackle a number of problems faced by 3D printer users, the most notable of which is build plate calibration.  For most first generation low-cost desktop printers, ensuring a level build plate is a manual task that must be performed every so often to ensure that a print will come out evenly.  In some cases, an uneven platform may prevent a print from being made at all (something I experienced with the plug-n-play BEETHEFIRST 3D printer).  The ZYYX uses a probe attached to the printhead to automatically calibrate the bed before every print.  Such a probe is not really new, utilized in the Maker community, with MakerBot filing a patent on the technology afterwards.  What makes the probe so great is that the printer compensates for any variations in the platform and continues to print as if it’s level.

Other features that the printer uses to ease the printing experience are a well-designed printhead, an enclosed printing space, and an air filter.  Because the heated portion of the printhead, the hotend, is isolated from the printing material, the filament, the company assures users that filament won’t heat up until it’s ready to actually hit the build plate, preventing troublesome clogs.  The printhead doesn’t actually look all that different from my own RepRap 3D printer, which experiences its fair share of clogs, but it’s possible that I’m missing something here.zyyx 3d printer back carbon filter The enclosed print area is becoming standard in most second generation low-cost printers, as it maintains a stable temperature to prevent defects in the print.  Combined with an active carbon air filter, the ZYYX mitigates the fumes and particles associated with 3D printing ABS plastic.

The ZYYX also includes a magnetic build plate, for easy removal of prints, a high powered fan, to prevent filament abnormalities, and an easy-to-access printhead.  All of these features add up to what looks to be quite the user-friendly experience at a price of 1550 (about $2100).  With a claimed print resolution of 50 microns, the ZYYX is promising.  The automatic calibration is enough for me to want one, but the large build volume of 270mm x 230mm x 200mm (10.6″ x 9″ x 8″) and the ability to use filament from any supplier make it all the more appealing.  I look forward to seeing how users of the ZYYX respond to the new machine.