
New 3D Print Service Provider REALiz3D Showing India is Ready for the Next Phase

Just a couple of days ago I covered the story of Global 3D Labs, a start-up launching a desktop 3D printer manufacturing venture in India. Now I am here to tell you about REALiz3D, one of the first prosumer/consumer oriented 3D printing services based in the same nation. The growing Indian market seems to be entering the next stage of 3D printing evolution, that in which professional and industrial rapid prototyping services are complemented by a new breed of 3D printing start-ups intending to cater to the needs of smaller, local businesses or even individuals.

REALiz3D 3d printingAlready featured in the Economic Times of India, REALiz3D is doing just that, by offering professional 3D printing services through the use of smaller 3D printers and qualified 3D designers. Founded by Prajnay Rajulu upon completion of his Master’s degree at the University of Wisconsin, REALiz3D is based in Bangalore, in the central southern region of India. In one year the company has grown from a single machine to owning 3D MakerBot Replicator 2 and hiring 2 full time, in-house designers.

The key here is that the true promise of desktop 3D printing, long before true personal fabrication, is that any town in any part of the world can have its own professional rapid prototyping and digital manufacturing facility: all they need is a below $5000 investment and – perhaps more importantly – qualified 3D modeling professionals.

With this setup REALiz3D has been able to attract a wide and diversified customer base, ranging from architects to product, fashion and interior designers, as well as engineering studios, a varied line up of small and medium enterprises and even some hardware startups. Current listed partners include companies such as BlueKraft, Indian steam turbine manufactures Chola Turbo, InForm Architects and local automobile part manufacture Mechkart. A very large project was also undertaken with the Tamilandu (India’s 11th largest state) Highway Department, but the portfolio also includes consumer products such as personalized magnets, bracelets and combs.

REALiz3D’s rapid evolution reminds me of what I encountered when visiting 3D Spot in Lisbon, Portugal. What started as a small consumer 3D print service rapidly became a large rapid prototyping provider using just two Ultimaker 2 3D printers and a team of capable 3D modellers. At the time I used the Lisbon 3D print shop as a metaphor to say that all of Europe is united by 3D printing, from Portugal to Sweden. Apparently I was wrong: the entire world is united in this evolution of manufacturing.