
Ion Core Zinter 3D Printer Reaches for Mass Appeal with TV Ad

Until we’re all watching programs projected directly into our brains someday, TV broadcasting will continue to be the earmark of mainstream success.  And we’ll know that 3D printing has become integrated completely into our everyday lives when an ad for a 3D printer aired between daytime talk shows is no longer something new and amazing, but just another loud stimulus you try to ignore.  For now, though, 3D printing fans can be joyed to know that Ion Core will be airing the following commercial for its Zinter PRO 3D printer on UK TV this September.

I hate almost all commercials, but my bias for 3D printing takes over while watching this ad (and the RadioShack Afinia ad from earlier this year).  Starts out too corny and, then, wham! You realize that it was all intentionally corny all along! If 3D printing companies have to take to yelling at us on the boob tube, I’m glad that they’re yelling with the right inflection.

What you don’t get from the above ad is that the Zinter PRO is a dual extruder machine with a heated bed and a build volume of 200mm x 200mm x 200mm.  It can print using an SD card or tethered to a computer with a USB cable. It has a price tag of about $4,000, pricing it well above other plug-n-play machines.  Aiming to be a mainstream success, the company seems to be on the right track.