
Cokreeate Opens 3D Printing Store in L.A.

The Los Angeles based 3D printing and 3D scanning company held the grand opening for its new Alhambra retail storefront last weekend. The store opening featured several working BucoBot and Bukito 3D printers pumping out keychains, rings and pins for the opening day visitors.

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For a year Cokreeate has been slowly building a name for itself in the LA area as the go-to 3D scanning and 3D printing company. They’ve scanned and created their full-color Kreeation selfies for a growing list of celebrities like Stan Lee, Vern Troyer and Larry King to name just a few.

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But it isn’t just celebrities that have got in on the 3D printed selfie action, their client list includes cosplayers, adult film stars, fitness models, professional wrestlers and even musicians. Business has been so good that the owners and founders, brothers Will and Andy Co decided that it was time for them to open up their own 3D printing store.

The new Cokreeate store won’t just be selling 3D printers, filament and 3D printing supplies however, Andy Co told me that they hope to make the space available for hackspace meetups, 3D printing classes and of course their own 3D scanning appointments. They also have several working 3D printers on the premises that locals can come in and use to print their own models or prototypes, and they are happy to help if you’re not sure if your model is printable. While Cokreeate’s Zcorp 3D printer isn’t on the premises, it is at an off-site workshop where they can produce their high-quality, full-color selfies.

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If you want to check out the new store you can find it here:

410 West Main St.

Unit 221 (Glass Door)

Alhambra, CA 91801

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The Cokreeate Store grand opening celebration was held on Saturday, November 15th and they had quite a crowd of friends, family and interested 3D printer customers, myself included. Drawn in by the throbbing beat of the live DJ and offers of pizza, cupcakes and free 3D printed trinkets, plenty of curious pedestrians and neighbours also stopped in to see what the new store was all about. Inside they had the basics of 3D printing explained to them, got to see an entire fleet of Bukito 3D printers churning out keychains, pins and rings, and look at their growing collection of prints.

cosplay cokreate 3d printing

They even had a cosplayer or two show up to lend their support, and maybe have a few lightsaber duels for the crowds amusement. Don’t worry, zero Jedi were Forced Choked during the battles, although there was a tense moment when a discussion about whether or not Midichlorians were real or not, got a little heated. But thankfully cooler heads and pleasantly distracting pastries prevailed.

I was lucky enough to be on hand for all of the fun, and the store just looks great. This being LA, and real estate a premium, the store isn’t huge, but it certainly doesn’t feel small thanks to extremely tall ceilings and a large sliding door that can open an entire wall up allowing access into a courtyard. The Co Brothers are displaying plenty of their 3D printed selfies – including some of their celebrity and scantily clad clients – so there is plenty to look at and the working 3D printers draw quite a bit of attention.

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Of course the biggest benefit of their new store is that after a year of their 3D scanning business leading a nomadic existence it now has a home base. While I’m sure Will and Andy will still be willing to make house calls for some clients, interested customers can now simply book an appointment for a full 3D scan in the shop rather than requiring the Co’s to drive out to them. If you’ve ever driven in LA then you’ll understand just how much of their lives they just got back.

Thanks to Will and Andy for inviting me to their grand opening.

All photo’s courtesy of Tony Hofmann.