
3DLT Update – A Public Apology

3DLT, the 3D template start-up we shared with you last week, ended up getting a lot more coverage than they could have ever imagined – unfortunately, it was not of a positive nature. The controversy was due to the company showcasing unauthorized designs on their site, which the respective artist from Nervous System noticed after our coverage. She even tried to buy one of her own designs, but ended up short-changed – with no SLT or other relevant 3D printable files.

The negative press coverage from publications including Wired and the Verge resulted in 3DLT taking the site down and issuing a public apology, which can be read in full on their site here. Whether or not this was an oversight or something more sinister is difficult to assess objectively, but as of now the site remains at a standstill – looking for new partners and reshaping their business models – until further notice.

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