Trinckle is the newest applicant in the vastly growing field of 3D printing services. The German trio of Marlene, Florian and Gunnar have launched a beta version of their site, which is aimed at consumers and aspiring designers alike. The chosen service concept is quite similar to the user created portfolio / print-to-order type of companies already well-established in the 3DP field.
The company offers a variety of different 3D printing techs and materials. Currently Trinckle’s offering consists of PA, ABS, PMMA and plaster material-wise with SLS, FDM and a 3D inkjet using a resin bonded powder for the methods respectively.
Regarding actual usage for the consumer the service works quite intuitively – i.e. in this case through a route that has already been successfully applied by Shapeways and other companies operating in this market – first choose from a selection of items under different categories, then the colour and the material. However, Trinckle also throws in the variable of size, which is something not so often seen in this field.
As for the designers, the options are likewise pretty straightforward: upload the design free of charge, choose the end-price, get credited 70% of the set price when the item is sold and reserve the rights for the IP for yourself.
Trinckle is still in its beta form, which means that not everything on the site functions perfectly just yet. Some sections are also currently only available in German, so if your language skills are rusty on that side and using Google Translator only seems to cipher the content to something that would require a modern Enigma to be used; the solution is to wait for the alpha phase. Perhaps the most interesting angle in the next development stage will be to see how Trinckle will be able to extend their offered range of different 3D printable materials and methods in the future.
We’ll be following.
Source: Trinckle