If your RepRap is all out of rep, your Cube is discontinued, or you were just never able to get your hands on a 3D printer, you may be in luck. 3D Hubs and Instructables have just teamed up for what they’re calling the biggest 3D printing contest of 2016. They’re giving away 15 different 3D printers to the best Instructables dedicated to our favorite technology. All you have to do is write an Instructable about a 3D printed project you’re working on and you have a chance to win in one of the following categories.
- Best Instructable: This is any project that uses 3D printed parts or has to do with 3D printing in some way. Winners may receive: BEETHEFIRST, CEL Robox, Craftbot Plus, LulzBot Mini, DeltaWASP, MakerGear M2, Witbox 2, Rostock Max, Ultimaker 2+ Extended
- Ultimaker prizes for best fully 3D printable Instructable: This is a project that is 100% fully printable (except for a screw here and there). Winners may receive: Ultimaker 2+ Extended, Ultimaker 2+, Ultimaker 2 Go
- Zortrax prizes for best health-related project: As you might guess, this category is dedicated to any project that makes life better with medical-related technology, such as assistive devices or, say, a bioprinter. Winners may receive: 3X Zortrax M200
You’ve got 75 days left to enter and there are already 45 great entries on the site, so it’s time to get on it!