3D Hubs has been growing its worldwide series of 3D printing meet-ups this past year since it’s inception. In addition their original “unlocking” events and global get-togethers meant to connect various Makers within the same city, the distributed 3D printer community has begun to use these meet-ups as a method for exposing them to new technologies and products in the field. After launching its ColorFabb series, which allowed attendees to get hands-on experience with (and free samples of) the filament manufacturer’s unique carbon fiber material, 3D Hubs has teamed with 3D model sharing site Sketchfab to provide hands-on experience with awesome 3D scanners.
Across the world, 3D Hubs and Sketchfab are allowing people to use a range of 3D scanners to start scanning objects, animals, and themselves. In addition to a brief presentation on how the scanners work, attendees will receive a $15 / €15 3D Hubs print voucher to have their scans printed through their local hub. The price of the event is only $15 / €15, which easily covers the print voucher, but also includes free scans, knowledge, and networking! Oh! Plus drinks and snacks!
If you attend, one of these could be you!
That’s CEO of 3D Hubs Bram de Zwart, followed by CEO of Sketchfab Alban Denoyel, followed by me, as a creep hanging out in a park. So, you won’t be any of us exactly. You’d be you! In the digital world and, then, in the physical world as a 3D print!
The first 3D Hubs & Sketchfab 3D Scanner Party kicks off in NYC next week, April 27. So, register for the event here, if you’re in the area. If not, don’t worry. The party will be coming to you! We’ll keep updating our event calendar to let you know where the party will be heading next. First, Antwerp on April 29th. Then, the world!