
Sciaky Direct Manufacturing Metal

Sciaky has developed a time and money saving 3D printing solution that enables large scale, high value parts and prototypes production. It’s called Electron Beam Direct Manufacturing. According to Sciaky it’s “the only large-scale fully programmable means of achieving near-net shape parts made of titanium, tantalum, Inconel or other high value metals”.

The build size is quite impressive 19’ x 4’ x 4’ and the deposition rate is 7-20 lbs per hour.

Have a look at the video below for an introduction.

About Sciaky

Established in 1939, Sciaky is the most trusted provider of advanced welding systems and contract welding services in the fabrication market. Our wide selection of electron beam, advanced arc and resistance welding systems, along with our extensive welding services capabilities, makes us the most versatile welding solutions supplier on the planet. We are at the forefront of electron beam welding technology and pioneers of Direct Manufacturing (DM) processes because of our dedication to world-class engineering, as well as extensive research and development. When you talk to Sciaky about your welding requirements, you’re dealing with the best in the business.

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