
Most Read Articles from Last Week – June 28

Comparison of Quality Output: 3D Hubs’ 3D Printer Quality Chart

3D printer network 3D Hubs has unveilled the latest information on the ratings that printer owners — from their broad and increasingly popular network — have given their devices for print output…

Adobe Expands Photoshop 3D Printing Support

After introducing basic 3D modeling tools to CS6, which involved some simple extruding and beveling to 2D images, Adobe added 3D printing support to their cloud-based Photoshop CC software…

3D Printing and “the First Legitimate Use of an iPad I Have Seen”

cvbrg begins his Instructable titled “iPad glass as 3D printing build platform” by eloquently asking the following questions: Are you tired of scratches on your Kapton tape, or the bubbles that…

Sedgwick the DLP 3D Printer Hits Kickstarter

If successfully funded on Kickstarter, the Sedgwick could become the most affordable DLP 3D printer on the market (if you don’t count the LittleDLPer – potentially priced at $500 – which has changed…

Someone 3D Printed a Baby-Sized Iron Throne from Game of Thrones and It’s as Awesome as it Sounds

Australian 3D Print shop DoodadDoes owners Isaac and Julie Powell were given the idea to print a pint-sized Iron Throne from the smash HBO show A Game of Thrones while thinking of ideas for a family…

New “Dildo Generator” Lets You Design your Own 3D Printed Sex Toys

Warning: Adult Content Dildo-generator? Really? That’s the best name they could come up with for this thing? It took me ten seconds to come up with ‘Build a Dild Workshop,’ which is a much better…

Philip 3D Printing light shade

Associate Professor Nick Fang’s research has disproved the established diffraction limit allowing him to 3D print with light…

BuildersBot Fuses 3D Printing & CNC Milling Into One Builder’s Dream

“Enough with the 3D printers!” some jaded friends tell me. They’ll be happy to know that I will no longer discuss 3D printers. Instead, I’ll tell them about 3D printer-CNC router hybrids! Like the…

3D Printed Metal Goes Big at RAPID 2014

There are a lot of crybabies out there who think that 3D printing is limited in terms of size and material output. Well, quit yer sobbin’. Last week at RAPID 2014, one company in Michigan blew…