
Mobile Platforms For 3D Printing On-the-Fly from Threeding

3D printing markeplace Threeding.com recently launched a mobile version of its website and now has added a Google Andriod App, to its platform range, in turn this will soon be joined by an Apple iOS App. Threeding is ahead of the curve by becoming one of the first 3D printing marketplaces to introduce amobile deviceapplication. The app, for Android devices, is available for free download in the Google Play Store.

Threeding.com was founded last year bystudents from the Bulgarian National Academy of Art. The website is a 3D printing marketplacefor the exchange of 3D printable models.  The team describe what they see as a current ‘lack of integration between smartphones and tablets with 3D printers,’but believe that the 3D printables market will developee in this direction in the future and therefore are setting themselves the goal to be one step ahead.

Accordingly, the Threeding Android App is fully synced with the web version so that the website’s full range of models are available simultaneously across the two platforms and it has been designed to allow users to easily search all the 3D printing models available.The viewing element allows the user to scroll easily through screenshots of the printables, read about the specifications of the three dimensional models and also share them on social networks.

threeding 3d printingThe team states that they have decided to reduce functionalities to streamline the application and make it as user friendly as possible. Notably, in the regard, in order to purchase or download models, a link to the mobile version of the platform is provided. Also of note, uploading models will remain solely a web based function. Threeding say that they will upgrade the Threeding Android App to gradually add theweb-based functions that are not currently included.

Stan Partalev, Co-founder of Threeding.com said: “[A] Threeding Android App has been a goal of ours since we launched Threeding in 2013, but we started developing it after we got an additional seed funding in February this year. We hope a lot of people with Android devices to get the app and enjoy the world of 3D printing models.

The Threading team is currently working on what they call “Project Threeding 2.0” and have said that an App for Apple iOS won’t be far behind and will encompass the features now seen on the Android application.
