
MakerBot to Expand Thingiverse with Developer Program

Thingiverse has never been quite the same since MakerBot changed its Terms of Service in 2013, but the MakerBot printables site has continued to exist under the vision of Stratasys. And, after MakerBot launched a developers program for MakerBot-focused apps, the company is now announcing a new developer program for Thingiverse itself. The new MakerBot Thingiverse Developer Program will see the Thingiverse API opened up to developers in order to add new features and functionality to the printables site.

makerbot thingiverse for developers 3D printing program

In an announcement today, the consumer 3D printer subsidiary has said that it will implementing a developer program that will allow developers to create new tools for Thingiverse. So, those with ideas for Thingiverse apps and features will be able to access portions of the site’s API with the following thoughts in mind: “extending functionality to build new features for designers and end users”; “enabling customization, print fulfillment and 3D modeling utilities on Thing pages”; and “bringing in new developer tools, so you can develop in a sandboxed environment supported by completely rewritten documentation”. 

The press release makes the suggestion that MakerBot is attempting to be more open to developers, as a means of empowering the Thingiverse community. Given the closed nature of the company for some time now, after MakerBot went from an open source to closed source model, it may take some time before that community begins to belief them. For developers wishing to join the program, head to this page to keep up with news of when the program will launch.