
A Look Ahead to Inside 3D Printing, Tokyo

Next week, the world of 3D printing is heading to Tokyo, Japan. I will be heading over there too, from here in South Korea — I just can’t get enough, and neither can my students, some of who will be travelling with me. The first Japanese edition of the Inside 3DP show is scheduled to open September 17th and run until September 19th. It is shaping up to be Japan’s first significant 3D printing show, and a “must see” event for anyone interested in 3D printing from the locale, and, as it turns out, advanced manufacturing in Asia.

inside 3d printing tokyo japan

First of all, the agenda for the Inside 3D Printing event is chock full of things to see and do. Visitors can expect to be briefed on the history, current state, and future outlook of 3D printing in Japan. While specifically tailored to the regional audience, this should also be of special interest to western experts who may not be as knowledgeable about the Asian markets as they are about the North American and European markets — they are very different, which is why the Inisde 3D Printing series is so valuable and unique. The agenda boasts speakers from a broad spectrum across the 3D printing industry, including Artec, Stratasys, Cmet, Aspect, Materalise, and NTT Data with relevant representatives giving presentations on their areas of expertise in Japanese (with translation available). Of special interest is the Cmet presentation, which will offer insight into the use of new stereolithographic resins. Similarly the Aspect talk will introduce their new “RaFaEl” powder bed fusion platform.

esun cleaning 3D printing filamentyOn day two, speakers include 3D Systems Japan, D-Mec, and Esun; while on day three presentations from Matsuura Machinery, UEL, Stratasys, Bonsai Labs, Mcor & JBM Corporation will be given. Here too, of special interest will be the D-Mec talk, where the company is all set to demonstrate a new microwave molding and forming process. The Matsuura presentation, is set to illuminate the audience on the LUMIX Avance-25 laser sintering/milling machine — a high end hybrid machine. I am also interested to hear more from Bonsai Labs about its new micro miniature low price 3D printer.

But that’s not all! In true Japanese pragmatic style, Inside 3D Printing will be sharing the convention grounds with several other hi-tech exhibits and shows at the same time. This is a savvy move by Mecklermedia, organisers of the Inside 3D Printing series. These co-located shows include the “N+” new materials show, the Evex electric vehicle show, the Food System Solutions show, and the Food Safety JAPAN show. Pre-registered visitors will have access to all five venues.

Visitors will be treated to a wide range of technology exhibits, including not only everything related to 3D printing, but also exhibits on all kinds of new “super” materials, electric cars and other machines, as well as new technologies relating to the manufacture and packaging of foods…just the kind of stuff that people in industries such as automotive, energy & electronics, food & beverages, medical & health care, aerospace & railroad as well as construction would all be very interested in.

So what to expect? While I do expect all the latest in 3D printing technology, at least as we all currently know it, no one can be sure how these other industries will mix with and influence the future of additive manufacturing. Who knows, maybe the next “big” thing in 3D printing will come out of a chance meeting of some members of these diverse industrial groups. Interested parties can register to join us in Tokyo, here.