As I’ve mentioned before, Halloween is probably my favorite time of year and my love of Halloween has only been enhanced with 3D printing. And, as you can see from the Dogimus Primse costume I made (thanks to 3DPI reader Miguel de Sousa for that awesome name), one of my favorite things is putting together costumes for my pets and I enjoy seeing the creations that others come up for their pets. One of the best pet Halloween costumes I’ve seen this year is by YouTuber Jwall of Print That Thing.
The Nashville based Jwall has a great YouTube Chanel with a variety of 3D printing related videos. In his latest video, the he decided to 3D print armor for his cat this year for Halloween. He details the process as well as the result in the following video.
After sketching out the designs, Jwall describes the arduous process of modeling the armor. While it may have been time consuming, the final product is really fantastic. The armor consists of 18 pieces that are completely flexible and designed specifically to fit a cat’s body. Additionally, the design is complete with a hole for a leash and a ring for a name tag on the front. Jwall says that the armor can be fully 3D printed, but he recommends using brass connectors.
The model has been featured on Thingiverse and can be downloaded for free. The one missing piece is a helmet and Jwall has set up a contest of sorts to help come up with a design. People can submit ideas for a design and the winning submission will have their design modeled and, more importantly, will receive a complete set of the 3D printed cat armor.
I don’t have a cat but if I did, I would totally be printing this. As it is, I may try it out on my dogs, as both of them are about the size of a cat. And, because it’s flexible, it should be an easy fit. It may be November, but it’s never too early to prep for Halloween.