At the recent Inside 3D Printing Berlin event in Germany, 3DPI.TV was presented with the opportunity to interview Alan Meckler, the CEO of Mediabistro and the entrepreneur who conceived of and produced the Inside 3D Printing event series around the world.
Alan’s foresight and years of event management experience is key to the continued success of the Inside 3D Printing brand as it continues to bring information about 3D printing technology to new audiences. Here he provides further insight ….
Question 1: A year in and the Inside 3D Printing events are really hitting their stride. Here in Berlin how has it been received?
Alan: Terrific, the inside 3d printing seems to do well wherever it goes. Obviously a lot of people are interested in the topic. You have established people in the 3D Printing Industry and then many people who want to learn mroe about it
Question 2: You are taking 3D printing out to the world, which makes you quite unique in the 3D printing events world. Can you tell us why you did that and how it is working?
Alan: I’ve had a lot of experience over the years in doing trade shows in new technologies and 3d printing is about as exciting as anything I’ve seen. And what I’ve learned is that virtually every country with any type of industrial base will be interested in a new technology. So basically you have to be bold and go out there and be the first. Sometimes of course it doesn’t work out financially well the first time, but they’re usually crititcally succesful and then you build a base and as the industry expands, the show will expand, so it’s an investment in the future.
Question 3: There are a lot more dates on the calendar – tell us about what’s coming up …..
Alan: Very exciting calendar, and lots of countries being added. We have coming up our first show in Brazil in April in Sao Paulo, lots of exhibitors and of course we expect many attendees. We will be back in New York City in April also for the second time that will mark one year anniversary of starting Inside 3D Printing. And then we’re going to Hong Kong, we’re going to Shanghai and we’re going to Melbourne Australia. And We’re going to Soul,Korea, Milan, Italy. So lots on the schedule and pretty soon we’ll announce London, England and Paris, France.