
3D Systems' 3D Printing Is Taking on Injection Molding

No one seems to think that 3D printing could ever be faster or more cost effective than injection moulding. Given the current standards of both processes, this is not a surprising position. But, 3D printing is not about current standards. It is a constantly, rapidly, evolving technology that continuously challenges itself to come up with something entirely new. If anyone knows this, it is 3D Systems, the largest producer of industrial 3D printing systems by revenues in the world. 3D Systems thinks that 3D printing can take injection moulding on — and they are trying to prove it.

Let’s just take a look at another revolutionary technology, like computers. Moore’s Law predicts that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. When the law was starting to look as if it was weakening, scientists found new ways to fit more circuits. It was difficult to imagine the processing power of today’s computers a couple of decades back. It will be the same with 3D printing: a Moore’s Law-like acceleration of 3D printing speeds will enable us to do things that seem impossible now. And the process has already begun.

Last year 3D Systems reported that they were able to 3D print 3,000 mini lamp shades in a single batch at about one minute per part. This year they 3D printed 2,400 of the same parts in about 20 hours, which equals out to about twice that speed (half a minute per part, if you do the math). This also means that 3D Systems exceeded the productivity of traditional injection moulding in the direct manufacture of functional parts. This was achieved by using an SLA machine, but SLS technology also offers great potential.

How is that possible? 3D Systems says it is all about “lots of R&D, better materials, bigger machines, more powerful lasers”, through which they are doubling their 3D printing capabilities every 18 months, Moore’s Law style. Injection moulding, on the other hand, is a mature technology that is unlikely to get much faster.

“Our unwavering commitment to customer success through innovation has literally broken the mould this time – challenging the myth that 3D printing can’t match the productivity of injection moulding,” said Cathy Lewis, 3DSystems’ CMO. “This is just the beginning. We are working on additional applications that defy traditional manufacturing constraints, allowing our customers to go from idea to product in hours, instead of months – to truly manufacture the future.”

Get ready to hear a lot more about this in the months to come as 3D Systems is planning on shooting and publishing a series of videos to demonstrate 3D printing’s potential on this front. And it is a good thing, since they are soon going to be mass producing the Google Project Ara phones, perhaps 3D printing’s first true “killer app”.

Source: 3D Systems