
3DPI.TV – 3D Printing and Space Travel a Match Made in Heaven?

From rocket prototypes to moon and mars bases, from future planetary rovers to made in space and gravity-less 3D printers, everything that has to do with future space colonization also has to do with 3D printing.

So what else is 3D printing up to in space? As it turns out quite a lot, but one of the most fascinating projects we have found out about is World View Experience, a company that will send people for a smooth and comfortable 2 hour ride 30,000 Km above Earth’s surface, in a cool looking capsule attached to a huge balloon. From there, comfortably seated in one of the four two-seater bays, passengers will be able to see our Planet float into the immenseness of space. All for about 65,000 Euros, about a third of the much briefer and likely more uncomfortable rocket rides promised by Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic.

Jane Poynter, CEO of World View and president of World View’s parent company, Paragon Space Development Corporation, explain exactly what 3D printing could mean to the space travel and space tourism industries.

She told us that much like space technologies, 3D printing technologies have been around for quite a while and PSDC has used them a lot for prototyping many parts of the capsule — for close to 20 years.

3D printing technologies also look set to play an important part in future deep space missions, Jane told us. Adding that when planning for a long range space mission you have to take into consideration the necessity of carrying a lot of spare parts, in case something critical breaks. And it will happen. But you do not know in advance what will break so you have to carry along a lot of extra weight. With 3D printing we will be able to carry just the digital design of all parts and a reservoir of powdered metal to 3D print it as needed. That will be a real game changer!