Researchers from Stanford University have developed a new high-resolution resin 3D printing process. This novel approach removes the risk of over-curing resin in negative spaces, such as channels or v…
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New research facilitates muscle-inspired movement with 3D printed actuators
Engineers at Northwestern University have created a novel soft, flexible device that allows robots to move by mimicking human muscles through expansion and contraction. For this research, the actuator…
New research evaluates how powder spreadability impacts PBF 3D printing
Researchers from the University of Leeds, University of Greenwich, and medical device testing firm Cormica Limited have published a new review paper on powder bed fusion (PBF) 3D printing. Published i…
Researchers share new vision for the future of sustainable 3D printing
A team of researchers have outlined their vision of a sustainable and circular additive manufacturing ecosystem. Published in the journal Nature Sustainability, the article is titled ‘A vi…
Latest research delivers stable ESD properties for safer electronics manufacturing
A new study demonstrating the electrostatic discharge properties for applications contains valuable insights for the high-tech semiconductor industry, and beyond. Led by researchers Brian Martin, Vino…
Researchers develop new chip-based 3D printer that is smaller than a coin
Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and The University of Texas (UT) at Austin have developed what they claim is the ‘world’s first’ chip-based 3D printer. Th…
Researchers increase binder jetting speeds with adaptive slicing
Researchers from Ondokuz Mayis University in Turkey have used adaptive slicing to increase the speed of binder jetting 3D printing. Published in the journal Rapid Prototyping, the study claims t…
ORNL 3D prints new complex, defect-free tungsten components in “world first”
Researchers at the US Department of Energy (DoE)’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have 3D printed defect-free tungsten parts with complex geometries. Produced using electron-beam additive manufa…
Researchers develop new method for multi-material FDM 3D printing
Researchers from Seoul National University have developed a new two-step process for FDM 3D printing that can create parts with specific gradient material properties. Typically…
A novel bio-based resin paves the way for sustainable AM
Researchers from the University of Birmingham have introduced a new recyclable resin for 3D printing applications. Detailed in a recent Nature publication, this development addresses a major sustainab…