In this edition of 3D Printing Industry’s Sliced digest of news, we feature: AMUG, UCLA, Artec, DARPA, Otherlab,, GE Global Research, Ntopology, 3D Matters, Roboze, and LPW Technology.
Mapping the atomic structure of a metal alloy
New research from UCLA has looked into the individual atoms of a minute iron-platinum particle. This project involved mapping 23,000 individual atoms in order to determine the material’s weaknesses and defects.
The team were able to map the particle by taking images using an advanced electron microscope at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Adding to this they used advanced reconstruction algorithms that were developed at the university. This enabled the team to create a 3D view of the particle which they believe is the first time this has been possible.
This has impact on 3D printing metal as better understanding of how an alloy bonds mean companies can have greater understanding of how a metal will behave when it is 3D printed. Two of the co-authors on the project were Markus Eisenbach and Paul Kent of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The ORNL are well known for 3D printing research and have recently been printing nanoscale structures.
This research could also have effects on CT scans. The reconstruction algorithm coupled with the use of their scanning method called GENFIRE could provide more detailed scans. This could then allow for more detailed 3D printed medical models in the future.
The research was published in the journal ‘Nature’.
Co-founder of Artec sells 30% stake
Andrey Klimov, one of 3D scanning company Artec’s co-founders has sold his 30% stake in the business. Regarding his decision Klimov was nostalgic about his time at the company, as he says,
For many years I had the great privilege of being a shareholder and inventor for a wonderful company. I, along with a group of talented engineers, frequently toiled into the night to achieve yet another breakthrough. I will always remember those times fondly.
He cites that now is time to move on as he has formed new companies and “invented new technologies.”
LPW Technology
The founder of British metal powder manufacturers LPW ltd, Dr. Phil Carroll, will have a role in an Industrial Advisory Board for an initiative known as ‘Manufacture using Advanced Powder Processes’ (MAPP). The government have funded this initiative with £20 million backing. MAPP will involve academic and commercial research into progressing the development and use of powder-bed processes.
Biodegradable drones
We’ve featured drones frequently on 3DPI recently, including the use of 3D printing to make them. However, DARPA has recently invested in a project that will create disposable drones made out of cardboard. These drones will effectively disappear after their use as they will degrade naturally into the ground. The drone has been coined the Aerial Platform Supporting Autonomous Resupply/ Actions (APSARA).
The airborne devices will glide after being launched from high altitudes and are intended to be used for remote areas. They could be used in response to natural disasters to delivery medical supplies. The concept has been funded by DARPA’s Inbound, Controlled, Air-Releasable, Unrecoverable Systems (ICARUS) program. While it has been developed by San Francisco’s Otherlab.
3D Printing Industry recently took a closer look at another DARPA drone project, the TERN. You can read our report here. at Crunchies will appear in a showcase at this year’s Crunchies awards. The 3D software startup will be featured in the ‘Best of Startup Alley’ section. have developed 3D design programs that can be embedded into websites or applications.
Roboze 3D printers used by GE Global Research
GE Global Research, based in New York, have bought a Roboze +400 machine to facilitate their additive manufacturing research.
Scott Miller, Manager of the Material Systems Lab at GE Global Research, said this about the announcement,
We are excited to have this new 3D printer. It will let us explore ways to take advantage of 3D printing from high performance polymers such as PEEK. We will also be able to evaluate new designs with greater complexity enabled by 3D printing in areas where we already use high performance polymers.
As 3D Printing Industry reported earlier this year, 3D printing with higher grade engineering thermoplastics is an area where we expect to see significant advances during 2017.
3D Matters
3D printing bureau 3D Matters, from Singapore, have recently acquired a new industrial machine. The Renishaw AM 400 arrived at the bureau and will be used to 3D print high quality metal parts.
3D printed Kaby Lake CPU delidding tool
YouMagine user Chri has uploaded designs to create a 3D printed delidding tool for Intel’s Kaby Lake CPU. The tool can be used to delid the new CPU, although you should do so at your own risk.
Ntopology release Element 1.0
3D software company Ntopology have officially released their Element 1.0 software. The updated software has a number of new features including a remesh tool, surface modifiers and single and dual surface conformal lattices.
SAP opens early-access program
As part of a joint-collaboration with UPS, German software company SAP have announced their Distributed Manufacturing program has opened for early-access. The software is intended to accelerate the use of 3D printing and will be available later this year for wider use.
AMUG announces scholarships
The Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) will soon host their annual event as the 29th AMUG conference takes place in just over month’s time in Chicago. AMUG board membership includes representatives from GE, Carbon, SLM Solutions and Concept Laser and several leading universities.
This years conference will feature speakers including Stacey DelVecchio from Caterpillar Inc, Todd Grim – Founder and president of T A Grimm & Associates and Industry advisor for AMUG, and Jason Lopes an Engineer at Legacy Effects.
AMUG are an active part of the 3D printing industry and support academic research with grants for researchers in our industry. This year, Dr. Haijun Gong, from Georgia Southern University (Statesboro, Ga.) and Claire Belson from University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa, Ala.) receive scholarships.
3D printed salad tossing robot
To finish on a lighter note, here is a slightly unorthodox use of 3D printing to create a salad tossing machine. No introduction necessary.
Featured image shows Sliced Logo over an image of the biodegradable drone. Photo via Otherlab.