Only 4 days since our last edition of Sliced, but the 3D printing stories have already begun to build up this week. Read on for 3DPI’s story slices from over the weekend, including: Carima’s DM250; the UP Box+; ScanLAB at the Photographer’s Gallery; MMU’s plan to build a £4million fuel-cell tech center; Paypal’s lockdown on Prusa; British PM visits Renishaw; German electronics manufacturing beta-test the DragonFly 2020 electronics printer; and candy printers in UK.
Carima of Experience South Korea release new high quality DLP
As showcased earlier this month at formnext, South Korean 3D printer manufacturer Carima has just released its new DM250 DLP SLA 3D printer. In the past, Carima has been credited with making the world’s fastest vat-polymerisation printer in its 4S model. The new DM250 builds on this technology for an even smoother finish, and has a build size of 250×140.6x250mm that easily outstrips most other printers of its kind.

UP Box upgrade unlocked
Tiertime of Beijing, China, have released an upgrade to its 2014 UP Box 3D printer. The UP BOX+ has an improved print head, increased filament capacity, WiFi connectivity, and blackout recovery – which is a lifesaver when things go wrong. It comes bundled with the new UP Studio software package, is compatible with iPhone and iPad, and users can go beyond traditional ABS and PLA materials for their prints. To put it simply, the UP Box is a great 3D printer; the UP Box+ is a great printer with bells on.
Embedded gif shows calibration of the Up Box+ from UP BOX+ Quick Start Guide by UP 3DPrinter on Youtube.
Ghosts of 3D scanning
This past weekend in the UK, London’s Photographer’s Gallery held a Robot Vision ‘Geekender’ in collaboration with 3D scanning company ScanLAB Projects. In an afternoon workshop, participants used a 3D LIDAR scanner to produce hologram-like moving portraits. They used mirrors to fool the scanner and create surreal distortions in the black and white images, constructed in a point-cloud.
Embedded gif shows point-cloud portraits created in the ScanLAB workshop. Clip via: Thephotographersgallery on Instagram
Paypal lockdown on Prusa
Josef Prusa, founder of RepRap printer company Prusa, took to twitter last Thursday announcing that Paypal had frozen company funds due to a spike in purchases. Prusa was unable to process any refunds for customers, and later added that by the end of this week he will no longer be using the Paypal to hold the Prusa printer’s funds. PayPal if you’re reading this, here is a message from Josef:
British Prime Minister visits Renishaw additive manufacturing facility
In last week’s Sliced from the 24th November, 3DPI covered the UK government’s commitment to invest a further £2bn per year in Research & Development, dubbed as a British ‘DARPA Fund’. Following this, PM Theresa May visited the headquarters of engineering company Renishaw to review their latest developments. In the presentation May was shown how 3D printing is being implemented by Renishaw to create custom medical devices for facial reconstructive surgery. For further details of Renishaw’s additive manufacturing capabilities, you can revisit Michael Petch’s interview with Marc Saunders, their director of Global Solutions Centers, from this year’s IMTS.
German electronics manufacturer beta testing Nano Dimension’s 3D PCBs
Nano Dimension (NASDAQ, TASE: NNDM) are supplying its DragonFly 2020 electronics printer to German circuit board manufacturers PHYTEC Messtechnik for beta testing. It is the third time in 2016 that a big company has taken an interest in the DragonFly 2020, as it has also been supplied to US based 3D printing experts FATHOM, and an Israeli defense company. At the beginning of November, Nano Dimension reported its earnings for Q3 revealing that they were close to ‘recognising income from their DragonFly 2020’.
Candy 3D printers come to UK shopping centers just in time for Christmas
UK based Magic Candy Factory have opened two new candy printing kiosks, one in Nottingham, and one in Essex. The launches were broadcast live on the company’s Facebook page, introduced by the company’s head magician Melissa Snover, and showing a montage of happy customers looking to try the novel gummy creations. In October, 3DPI readers may remember Magic Candy Factory launched a design competition alongside MyMiniFactory. There is still time to enter the competition and win an exclusive candy printer, and potentially a position as Magic Candy Factory’s latest candy wizard.
Featured image shows the Sliced logo over Josef Prusa in his 3D printer farm. Original photo via: