3D Printing

XYZPrinting Brings its Low-Cost 3D Printers to Europe

After establishing themselves in the United States through numerous online distribution channels like  Amazon and BestBuy.com, XYZprinting is continuing to expand its presence in the world.   Now, the Taiwanese brand is taking its low-cost 3D printers to Europe.  As of today, the da Vinci Jr., da Vinci 1.1 Plus, and the Nobel 1.0 3D printers are all available for purchase through Amazon.co.uk, and eu.xyzprinting.com.

xyzprinting da vinci junior 3D printer

The da Vinci Jr. is XYZ’s lowest priced 3D printer, at £299.  This plug-n-play machine is meant to be best for beginners and schools, with its compact print volume of 150 x 150 x 150 mm, weight of 12kg, and tetherless 3D printing via SD card reader.

xyzprinting da vinci 1.1 plus wireless 3D printer

The da Vinci 1.1 Plus is the company’s brand new upgrade to the da Vinci 1.0, featuring a single print head, wi-fi control through the XYZapp, and video monitoring, sold in Europe for £599.

Finally, the Nobel 1.0 is XYZprinting’s entry into the world of low-cost SLA 3D printing.  At £1,299, Nobel 1.0 offers a layer thickness of 25 microns and a build volume of 128 x 128 x 200 mm.  Complete specs are listed in the table below.

Specification Da Vinci Junior Da Vinci 1.1 Plus Nobel 1.0
Technology FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) SLA (Stereolithography Apparatus)
Print size (WxDxH) 150 x 150 x 150 mm 200 x 200 x 200 mm 128 x 128 x 200 mm
Printer dimensions (WxDxH) 420 x 430 x 380 mm 460 x 558 x 510 mm 280 x 337 x 194 mm
Weight 12 kg 27 kg 9.6 kg
Resolution Fine: 0.1 mm

Standard: 0.2 mm

Speed: 0.3 mm

Ultra-Fast: 0.4 mm

Fine: 0.1 mm

Standard: 0.2 mm

Speed: 0.3 mm

Ultra-Fast: 0.4 mm

X and Y axes: 0.3 mm

Z axis: 0.025 mm

Material Properties PLA PLA, ABS or flexible filament Photopolymer resin
Nozzle Diameter 0.4 mm 0.4 mm N/A
Filament Diameter 1.75 mm 1.75 mm N/A
Connectivity USB wire / SD card USB wire / USB stick / Wifi / LAN USB wire / USB stick
Operating System Windows 7 or above / Max OX 10.8 Windows XP (Net 4.0 required) / Windows 7+ / Mac OX 10.7 / Mac OX 10.8 / Mac OX 10.9 Windows 7 or above / Mac OX 10.8 or above (coming soon)
File Type .stl or (XYZ format) .3w .stl or (XYZ format) .3w .stl or (XYZ format) .3w

With an ever-expanding product portfolio, XYZprinting is looking to dominate the desktop 3D printing market and this latest entry into Europe is further proof of the brand’s fast growth.  Backed up by its parent company, Taiwanese electronics conglomerate, New Kinpo Group, XYZ already has offices in Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea, the United States and Europe.  Kinpo has been in the printer manufacturing business for more than fifteen years, has revenues of $30 billion annually and 8,5000 engineers in R&D.  And, with all of this experience and clout, Kinpo is clearly eying desktop 3D printing market leaders MakerBot and Ultimaker.

And, though this news is directed towards European customers, US customers will have a chance to see XYZprinting’s products in person.  On Thursday, April 9th, the company will be hosting a hands-on demo day in Soho, where attendees will be able to 3D print an item of their choosing on any one of the three printers.

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