3D Printing

Gradient x FF Full Color 3D Printed Jewelry on Cubify

I was done writing for the day, but then I got this ad from Cubify in my inbox and I was compelled to share it! I’m a sucker for bright colors and sci-fi designs and the Gradient x FF jewelry line combines both of those things into a necklaces, a ring, and earrings that make me want to deck myself out like an androgynous David Bowie from the future.

Developed by FreshFiber, the Dutch 3D printed design brand acquired by 3D Systems two years back, the Gradient line is Cubify’s first full-color series of jewelry.  All of the pieces feature a gradient of cyan, magenta, and yellow in what I believe is ProJet gypsum, with price tags ranging from $39 to $129.  The first production run is limited to 50 pieces per design, which includes: the Gradient Aurora Borealis, Magenta Tip, and Petite Necklaces; the Gradient Ring, and the Gradient Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan Earrings.