3D Printing

Pirate3D is Down, Not Out: 3D Printing for the Visually Impaired

Pirate3D, Singapore-based manufacturers of the low-cost Buccaneer 3D printer, has received a lot of flack for the way they’ve handled their impressive Kickstarter campaign.  Their most recent production delay and a possible software glitch enraged KS backers, who had already faced previous delays and unexpected alterations to the initial design of the Buccaneer.  Despite these issues with their community, Pirate3D continues to produce and promote its printers, hoping that the Buccaneer might still find a place in the market.  With a new promo video, Pirate3D explores the possibilities of returning sight to the visually impaired through 3D printing:

Knowing the history of Pirate3D, backers may be a bit incensed that they continue to advertise their product when they have yet to fulfill all of their campaign’s promises, especially when they do so by using the visually impaired to tug at viewers’ heartstrings.  Still, by fabricating 3D representations of their memories, the visually impaired are able to remember fond instances from their past, before they lost their sight.  A 3D printed album cover, photograph, or movie still yield remarkable reactions from the individuals in Pirate3D’s videos, exposing to viewers just how powerful 3D printing may be for those who can’t see.