3D Printing

WASP to Unveil New Ceramic 3D Printing Filament in Paris

WASP is not only one of the most impressive 3D printer manufacturers out of Italy, but in the world.  Driven by what I believe is a true desire to help improve the human condition, WASP is developing a wide variety of fabricating technologies.  Most recently, they showed off their enormous ceramic printing delta printer wowed audiences at Maker Faire Rome, where they printed a prototype house.  Next, the company will fly to Paris for 3D Printshow October 17-18 to impress attendees with their 3D printer, as well as new ceramic materials they’ve been working on.

wasp 3D printed hand new material

Though WASP has previously focused on 3D printing construction, as they plan to embark on 3D printing clay homes in Morocco, the Italian company also sees their technology used in the medical field.  The company is in the process of exploring 3D printing implantable ceramics, such as hydroxylapatite, bioglass and aluminium oxide, to create bone implants with the same porous structure as natural bone. To do so, WASP has just developed a .35mm diamater clay filament that has the precision and control of plastic materials, which they plan to unveil at 3D Printshow in Paris.

The company’s CEO, Massimo Moretti, said of the new development, “We want to move [the] 3D printing world from representation of objects to realization of them, we’d like to improve people’s lives, create new jobs, support scientific research.” Such words from another company’s CEO might seem empty, but, coming from the founder of WASP, I choose to believe them.