
Most Read Articles from Last Week – June 29

It’s a BIG Deal — Stratasys & Makerbot
So, after the initial leak following an investor meeting a couple of weeks ago, which was followed by numerous rumours and rather a lot of speculation (ours included), the news comes through that yes …

Could Apple be the Saviour of the 3D Printing Industry?
Matt Cildeman, investor and Seeking Alpha contributor, appears to have a thing or two to say about Apple and 3D printing. After previously having written an article recommending buying 3D Systems s…

3D Printed Surgical Guides Make Their Malaysian Debut
[Disclaimer: If you are squeamish, you may find the images distressing.] A 37-year-old Malaysian man has now joined the growing number of people worldwide whose lives have been significantly improv…

The RepRap Simpson Revolution
Here is a thing that looks like it won’t work. When its designs were first introduced to the RepRap forum/community, some members immediately began speculating that it lacked the sturdiness to com…

Velleman & Maplin Swoop into the 3D Printer Space
I’ve just picked up on an interesting development in the 3D printing retail space and on the back of the recent Amazon and Tesco news, as well as the Staples service and retail offerings — the phenome…

MyMiniFactory by iMakr Goes Live
iMakr, as highlighted by Juho at the end of last month, has revealed and launched it’s online 3D printing-specific 3D model repository. The stock of models held on myminifactory.com are particularly s…

Forget Photos, Twinkind’s 3D Prints are Portraits from the Future
One of my favourite technologies from sci-fi is the transporter room. Scanning and converting yourself into ones and zeros and reconstructing you seemingly from nothing. Sounds eerily similar to a cer…

Digital Grotesque – Amazing Study of 3D Printed Architectural Concepts
Digital Grotesque is an intriguing conceptual study of architectural spaces by Michael Hansmeyer and Benjamin Dillenburger. The project’s tangible manifestation consists of an enclosed room, which is …

The Uplift Prize: Uplifting 1 Billion People at a Time with 3D Printing
Unsurprisingly, the Uplift Prize, formerly the Gada Prize, intends to do exactly what its name implies: award contestants for lifting up the standard of living for a given population. The scale of its…

3D Systems Does Metal — Finally
There has been speculation for some time that 3D Systems was looking to acquire metal 3D printing technology to complement its existing and extensive 3D printing portfolio. Metal capabilities were the…

More on this topic3D Printed Motorsport Airbox