Award-winning filmmaker Doug Urquhart has drastically his workload through the amazing capabilities of 3D printing. A talented cinematographer, Urquhart was often tasked with lugging loads on camera e…
Say hello to DIY technology
There are truly no limits to the application of 3D printing in everyday life. Already proving to provide useful alternatives to common tasks, 3D printing technology is continually being used as an eme…
CRP USA will demonstrate latest aerospace solutions at August conference
Based in Mooresville, North Carolina, CRP USA specializes in the manufacturing and creation of end-use parts and prototypes built from WINDFORM. From August 6th to August 11th the company will be atte…
Is 3D printing the future of real estate?
The potential of 3D printing is continually pushed to the edges of imagination and possibility in almost every industry to which it is applied. At a glance, 3D printers will eventually become as commo…
The future is Foodini: An interview with Natural Machines
Imagine having quick, easy access to some of your favorite snacks and dishes without harmful additives, preservatives and foreign chemicals that you can’t pronounce. It’s comforting to thi…
Y Soft takes 3D printing software & platform global
Leading enterprise office solutions provider, Y Soft has just announced the general release of the YSoft SafeQ and YSoft be3D eDee, the industry’s first 3D printer with print management. Since a…
WASP’s Technological Village is the site of first 3D printed house
In a development that has certainly been a long time coming, the World’s Advanced Saving Project (WASP) has officially started experimenting at its open-air construction site, cleverly called a techn…
Norsk Titanium continues to secure exciting partnerships
As previously reported by 3D Printing Industry, Norsk Titanium has secured a series of integrated supply chain moves designed to insert their disruptive Rapid Plasma Deposition™ (RPD™) capacity smooth…
Scanning session in the Egyptian Museum, Turin
The Egyptian Museum situated in Turin is one of the oldest Egyptian museums in the world, housing the countries second largest collection of valuable artefacts, after Cairo. It is considered by some, …
Pokemon GO is not just virtual thanks to Ilfracombe man
By now, anyone with internet access is very much aware of the Pokemon GO craze that is currently sweeping the world. Having already sent shockwaves from Sydney to New York, the virtual gaming app fina…