Whether you can’t afford a soundboard or you just want to make your own, Adafruit has the perfect solution. The Ruiz Bros. have laid out a project from Lady Ada that gives you everything you need to 3D print and put together a portable soundboard.
Running on Adafruit’s Pro Trinket 5V, Trellis Driver PCB, and Audio FX Soundboard, all that’s necessary to build the printable sound board are a few switches, a battery, some LEDs, and a 3D printer or 3D printing service. Oh! And a bunch of wires. The boards are all soldered together and to a pair of speakers so that, running off of pre-programmed Arduino sketches, this little board can play on the go.
Once all of the parts are soldered together, they’re housed in a 3D printable case, simple enough for any Tinkercad user to customize. And, soon enough, you’ll be able to begin jamming to your own sample sounds. The Ruiz Bros go through the entire process of putting it together in at the Adafruit Learning System, as well as in the video below.