3D Printing

A Debate of Style: 3D Printed Presidential Candidate Shoes

The team at 3DShoes.com, recently contacted me to tell me a little bit more about how their business model has been evolving. It has been a while since we first covered the San Diego-based venture, which seeks to connect 3D designers by focusing on 3D printable shoes and other related products.


The shoes can be obtained at SD3D, a basic 3D printing service which offers low-cost prints by using filament based technologies. From robot components to prototypes or even end-use retail pieces, they have been printing almost anything you can imagine.

“So we figured what about having them 3D print shoes on demand?” Bennett, from 3DShoes, says. “At first, the idea sounds crazy to some, but let’s break it down. Everyone has slightly different shoe sizes or has different fashion tastes. Instead of wearing generic shoes, printing in mass quantities, why not print custom, one-of-a-kind shoes that fit your precise needs?  Designers can upload their designs to the 3DShoes.com website and have them printed and shipped right to their doorstep. And, more than just printing your own shoes, designers can submit their designs and make money by others downloading and printing their shoes.”

One product which is bound to raise some eyebrows is the heels with the figures of presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. SD3D wanted to have fun and test the capabilities of printing unique shoe designs so they found these designs on the 3DShoes.com website.

The designs were, incidentally, created by Cristina Franceschini, a shoe designer from Italy that I have interviewed in the past and that am often in touch with since. She regularly collaborates with 3DShoes and created the Hillary and Donald models entirely in Zbrush. Researching the subjects and 3D modeling the shoes took about a week (part time) for each candidate.


Once SD3D received the STL files from 3DShoes.com, they printed both high heels on one print bed. The heels were printed in white ABS plastic with support material. The printing itself took around 22 hours, since they wanted a higher quality print. Once the shoes were printed, they went through a post processing phase for removal of support material, sanding, acetone vapor bath to smooth the outer layers and, then, finally, they were finished with color. The entire manufacturing process took less than 30 hours.

“Overall, this project of printing these political shoes was an exciting experience for SD3D. Seeing the capabilities of bringing together great designers, brand new shoe ideas never seen in human history and delivering beautiful products are what these teams are all about,” Bennett, told me. “SD3D is looking forward to many new designers submitting their shoe designs to the 3DShoes.com platform so they can print and deliver 3D printed shoes to the feet of every individual!”

Pricing for desktop miniature shoes start as low as $20 and life size shoes goes up to $275 per pair. To purchase these shoes today, you can contact either 3DShoes or SD3D, but be careful, because these presidential candidates heels are made for walking and, as the song goes, one of these days they might just walk all over you.
