
134 Million Euros for Innovative Research

To strengthen the future economic growth and competitiveness of the Netherlands, investment companies, knowledge institutes and government have gathered together 134 million Euros to fund ten leading research projects. These diverse projects focus on innovation in the field of food, health care, energy and data infrastructure. The government has invested 40 million euros for  Future Fund Credit Research Facilities (TOF), which was announced by Minister Kamp of Economic Affairs (EZ), and State Minister Bussemaker Dekker of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) on 9th June 2016.

Minister Kamp said, “Innovation is the engine of competitiveness and growth of the Dutch economy in the coming decades. The ten selected research projects are already making products that are useful for companies and researchers. In addition, investments in these research projects can be developed more new, innovative products and services. With the funds we have contributed to the economy of the future, we also encourage other businesses and universities to do the same. ”

The projects that have received investment from the Future Fund are derived from the research institutes TNO and Deltares, breeder PeetAplant, ICT organization SURF, the Erasmus Medical Center and three educational institutions: Delft University of Technology, University of Twente and Eindhoven University of Technology.

Minister Bussemaker remarks, “The loans from the Future Fund, will give these projects more security. This is important so that universities also can enter into long-term investments. This allows them to attract and retain talented researchers easily and collaborate on innovative solutions to societal challenges. ”

New approach with interest-free loans

The Future Fund Credit has a new approach which ensures that public funds for research facilities eventually flow back and can be used again. The interest-free loans have a term of fifteen years and serve to strengthen its own investment knowledge, institutions and companies. Due to the success of and interest in TOF, projects can be submitted a second time this year.

The investments from the Future Fund’s development of advanced research facilities of institutions allow this to be possible. It also allows research programs to be carried out where companies and knowledge institutions work together.

State Secretary Dekker says, “Solutions to economic and social challenges, don’t often come from science alone. The industry can not do this alone. The cooperation between the creative minds on the one side and the planned doers on the other leads to the most cutting-edge results. By working smartly together makes the most of knowledge not only in science, but gives scientific knowledge the maximum in social impact. These 10 projects are good examples of this. ”


The selected projects are of various different natures, such as the two examples illustrate. All projects can be found in the accompanying letter to “Results of the first tender for the scheme Future Fund Credit Research Facilities and amendment Mei Li Vos / Verhoeven. More information about the projects is available at .

Print for the future

One of the approved projects is the PrintValley 2020 by TNO and Eindhoven University of Technology.They have set up a center for technologies in which products are made in layers as 3D printing. It involves printing innovations that speed up the process, as well as developing combinations of various materials and integration of processes. This offers opportunities for entrepreneurs who create medical products such as implants and advanced prosthetics, as well as the manufacturers of smart electronics such as LED lamps, sensors and connectors.


NanoLabNL can also count on extra support from the Future Fund. Lab studies, this includes the University of Twente and possibilities of nanotechnology whilst working together. They are working on materials for the storage of renewable energy applications for early diagnosis, and new forms of electronics. With the new financial support they have begun to work on nanotechnology applied for Dutch businesses.