First survey on the 3D printing community by the Journal of Peer Production, performed in May 2012. zantac children zantac syrup for dogs zantac rash…
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Printing Houses – Contour Crafting
Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis from the University of Southern California explaining how a method called ‘Contour Crafting’ or automated constructions can build an entire house using large scaled 3D Pri…
3D Printed food: Burritob0t
Are we going to print our food in the future? Burrit0b0t can 3D print edible extrusion of Mexican food using the latest knowledge from digital fabrication technology and molecular gastronomy. apo rani…
“Eat your face” with 3D printing
David Carr, a researcher at MIT has created a new type of 3D printer that uses chocolate to form personalized “Eat your face” Easter eggs. Ben Gruber from Reuters reports. zantac vs pepcid zantac vers…
World's first 3D printed car
The Urbee Hybrid is the first car that has its entire body being made by using the Stratasys 3D printers and their FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) technology. zantac syrup zantac active ingredient zan…
Dr. Atala on TED about printing a human kidney
Dr. Anthony Atala shows an early-stage experiment that could someday solve the organ-donor problem: a 3D printer that produces a transplantable kidney from living cells. Using similar technology, Dr. …