3DP Applications

Spiders Get Erections? We Should 3D Print Them

The Sculpteo blog has an interesting post up, at the moment, that describes the work of an artist who gives 3D printing an erotic flair.  San Francisco-based artist, Natacha Merritt, is expanding on the work of her book Sexual Selection with an idea that all of us have had at one time or another, 3D printing spider erections.

juxtaposition human sexuality spiders

Sexual Selection from the looks of it, juxtaposes spiders and their parts with images of human sexuality, drawing a connection between the sexuality of all life’s creatures and, therefore, elucidating the sexuality permeating life itself. If you’ve never seen a spider erection, they’re probably among nature’s coolest erections because of their shape and complexity, which is what makes them perfect for 3D printing. So, with the use of 3D printing, the artist will be able to give her art a new dimension. Not only could she create beautiful works of art, but she’ll be making taxonomic tools for the classification of spiders. Unfortunately, she currently lacks the proper funding. And, so, she turned to everyone’s favorite crowd sourcing platform.

Spider Erection 3D Printed Natacha Merritt

Working with one of the world’s leading spider experts (and arachnophile?), Jeremy Miller, Natacha has taken high magnification images of a whole range of spider penises with a microscope, some of which have never been documented before. Kickstarter will help her hire animators that can turn these images into full-colour 3D models for 3D printing. The funding will also allow Natacha to create pop-up installations in Los Angeles, London and New York.  Backers will be rewarded with autographed photos of her spider erections, as well as 3D printed sculptures at a discounted price.

Watch her Kickstarter video below.  Take heed, for there are spider penises.

Source: Sculpteo