
Draft Print 3D Launches Prosumer 3D Printing Service

Andre Tiemann, a fellow member of Toronto 3D Printers whose excellent multi-colour art prints have been featured here before, has just launched a 3D printing service with a twist.

Instead of investing in expensive industrial equipment, Andre decided to go after a more budget-conscious market using exclusively (and relatively inexpensive) prosumer 3D printers.

For now, prosumer means mostly printing on Makerbot’s Replicator 2 devices. Come spring though, Andre will add one of the highly-anticipated Form 1 liquid resin printers to the mix. If the ~$3 million dollars raised on Kickstarter is any indication, that will have somewhat of a disruptive effect on the market.

3D scanning is also on offer, but similar to the printing setup, only using inexpensive solutions like the Kinect and ReconstructMe or photographs and Autodesk 123D Catch.

It’s difficult to gauge in advance how successful such a venture will be, but Andre and others in the local 3D printing space have been good about making education and volunteering efforts a part of their overall business plans.

For the full details on what Draft Print 3D offers, check out the official website here.