
Endurance to develop new high powered lasers for 3D printers and CNCs

Russian-American laser manufacturer Endurance has announced the development of two new, more powerful diode units. Made to upgrade the abilities of standard CNC machines and 3D printers, the FAP800 range is the latest in a long line of lasers developed by the company over the past four years. According to Endurance CEO and co-founder George Fomitchev, “We see a big vacuum that a lot of makers want to xpand the abilities of their 3D printer and CNC machines.”

“I was very upset with low-quality products that are on the market, especially on ebay and amazon when sellers bring on the market low-quality products,” adds Formitchev,

“We want to expand the laser business bring more and more powerful modules on the market.”

To celebrate the development, Endurance is offering a 40% discount and free shipment across its range of laser accessories, and any existing 8.5 / 10 / 10+ / 20 watt laser modules.

An Endurance 10 watt laser and new attachment. Photo via Endurance
An Endurance 10 watt laser and new attachment. Photo via Endurance

Lasers for the maker community

Endurance is a startup founded in 2015 by Fomitchev with the mission “to build and offer the best laser attachments for 3D printer and CNC machine enthusiasts by providing ultimate customer support and the most advanced technical solution.”

Endurance’s specialty is in solid-state diode lasers, capable of engraving and cutting a variety of materials such as wood, leather and glass. Showcasing the diodes’ capabilities, the company frequently hosts a contest for its users’ best cutting and engraving projects. Recent contest winners include a highly detailed Star Wars Aztec calendar, and a Zelda themed Cutting Board of Time.

The "Cutting Board of Time" personalized using an Endurance laser. Photo via Endurance
The “Cutting Board of Time” personalized using an Endurance laser. Photo via Endurance

In addition to home projects, Endurance’s laser portfolio has also enabled a number of individuals to set up their own businesses.

Florian Kelsch is the founder of Fizzle Grafix, a graphic design and fabrication service based in Ottersberg, Germany. Through Fizzle Grafix, customers can 3D print and now cut and engrave their own design projects. Kelsch started out this side business with relatively low-power 2.5 W laser which, he says, “was okay but it took so long to get something done.” Now Fizzle Grafix is equipped with 10 W Endurance laser, affixes to a 1 x 1 meter ratrig frame. “After a while I did a research for a new diode laser and came to Endurance,” adds Kelsch, “Now I can get my work done in a quarter of the time I’ve needed before.”

In addition to some simple plate engraving projects for customers, Kelsch is also an accomplished maker, and is developing his own remote control crane using laser cut and 3D printed elements. The finished product will be 1 m tall, and Kelsch eventually hopes to be able to sell it as a product for other people to use.

“I think the unique part [Fizzle Grafix] is my passion to make the customer happy, searching for the right material for my customers, and even trying them for free to get the best results.”

As for next projects, Kelsch adds, “I am currently building a CNC machine and I think I will get an Endurance laser [for it] as well.”

Florian Kelsch's homemade crane. Photo via Florian Kelsch
Florian Kelsch’s homemade crane. Photo via Florian Kelsch

New high powered lasers

The current laser offering from Endurance ranges in power from 2.1 W – 10 W + (with 20 W provided by a two 10 W laser configuration). As demonstrated in a number of how-to videos posted by Endurance, each one of these diodes is easy to install and, for 3D printers, do not require the prior removal of the extruder. Engraving and cutting can also be controlled by common 3D printing slicing programs such as Cura, Repetier, Slic3r and Simplify3D.

The new laser from Endurance will debut as the “Endurance FAP800 Coherent Laser attachment,” combining the power of Nescel 520 nm 10 watt laser with the laser output of the Coherent FAP800. It is a high powered infrared laser, and has been in development at Endurance since October 2018.

Upon release, the range will be available in three different wattages: 25, 32 and 40 watt, for prices starting at $995. Current development progress on the devices can be seen in the video below.

Pre-orders of this new high powered laser can now be made via Endurance lasers here. To find the best Endurance laser for your 3D printer contact George Formitchev here. The company is also inviting users to join its Facebook Community for all of the latest Endurance updates

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Featured image shows Endurance Lasers 10 Watt attachment. Photo via Endurance

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