3D Printing

Dim3printing Introduces Dim3W Smart 3D Printing Pen

dim3w smart 3d printing penTexan 3D printer manufacturer Dim3printing has announced the imminent release if its latest 3D printing offering, the Dim3W Smart 3D Printing Pen. Whether the market needs or will support a new ‘3D printing pen’ is debatable, but as far as 3D printing pens go the Dim3W looks pretty impressive so far.

With the 3Doodler currently being the only notably successful 3D printing pen on the market it isn’t really clear why a relatively young company would release a new one when several have come and gone already. 3D printing pens, while cool — or not — are really more novelty or toy than anything else but thankfully Dim3printing is being up front about that.

“We believe that the best way to get ourselves educated with 3D printing and digitized manufacturing is to start with enjoyable playing experiences. Using the Dim3W Smart 3D printing pen, everybody may be thrilled to bring 3D printing into his/her daily life,” said Dim3printing’s Bin Hu.

The most obvious difference between the 3Doodler and the Dim3W is the lack of cooling fan and its ergonomic design, but it does have some other features that look to be significant improvements. Dim3printing boasts that the pen will not jam because it contains a filament jamming detection system. The FFF pen also has two different print speed options to give users greater control of what they ‘draw’ and how fast they ‘draw’. The pen can use both ABS or PLA 1.75mm filament. So far there is no word on the colours that will be available.

Dim3printing isn’t the only company that understands the importance of simplified versions of their technology being used for toys. 3D Systems just helped Hasbro create their own version of a 3D printing pen, and while it uses air-hardening clay the DohVinci is clearly the Easy Bake Oven of 3D printing; a functional facsimile of the real thing intended to create realistic play for children. Or grown men.

butterfly 3d printing Dim3printing

Despite more options and what looks like better technology Dim3printing is still keeping the price under $100 and will make the pens available in multiple colours. The Dim3W is now available for pre-order and should be available for purchase sometime in March.

Source: Dim3printing.com