3D Printing

Ultimaker Releases Ultimate 3D Printable World Cup Mascots on YouMagine Network

Ok, promise, this is the last one on the World Cup (maybe!) —  but it really is worth it: Ultimaker has just released some new designs on its 3D model network YouMagine  — designs for the mascots of the World Cup’s top 16 teams. The models were designed by user Bauermaker, the same prolific user that released the Champions League Cup model right before the final in Lisbon last month.

For each team the Ultimaker designers came up with a characterised animal that best described it: the Japanese have Godzilla and the Spanish have the Bull, Americans have a Bison because the Eagle was already taken by the Germans. The British got a Bulldog (not sure why) and Italians got a Wolf, probably because it is the animal that symbolizes Rome. The Australians got a Koala (obviously) while Brazilians had to settle for a Macaw because the Armadillo was already taken by the official World Cup mascot Fuleco. And the Dutch? Well they got a Lion, after all Ultimaker is Dutch.

ultimaker 3d printing football mascots

So the top European games over the weekend saw the Lions trounce the Bulls in spectacular fashion and the Wolf got the better of the Bulldog — just. I think these designs are really cool, and even better, they do not require support and getting them all is just a free 26 MB download away. Ultimaker is encouraing anyone to 3D print them and post them on Facebook – even those who do not use an Ultimaker.