3D Printing

Mymo brings the Monogram Back as Unique and Customizable 3D Printed Jewellery

The monogram has historically been a graphic consisting of the first letters of your name intertwined, creating a personalized and unique logo ready to be printed on stationery or embroidered onto hankies. However, New York based design firm Ultravirgo Creative has re-thought the monogram and made it relevant within the context of our modern world. Their new project, Mymo, takes two letters or numbers and combines them into a personalized three-dimensional pendant, keychain or ornament printed in silver, stainless steel or ceramic.

Mymo customizable 3D printed jewellery App

The process is pretty simple actually, by combining two letters or numbers, Mymo creates a three dimensional image that can be printed to order at the Shapeways Factory and hung from a chain or attached to a key ring. By using the Mymo Creator you can enter two characters of your choice and see how they will be combined into a three dimensional image. Then, select your product and the material that you want it made from. The sterling silver option is cast from a 3D printed wax mould and polished to your liking, the ceramic option is printed using ceramic powder and glue, then glazed and fired. The stainless steel option is printed from steel powder glued and then injected with bronze.

Mymo customizable 3D printed jewellery

Interestingly, Ultravirgo isn’t generally a jewellery designer, they’re a design and branding company. They don’t typically manufacture fashionable baubles, they help companies and organisations communicate ideas. But thanks to companies like Shapeways, manufacturing on the small scale is finally becoming a reality. We’re already seeing 3D printed art, phone cases and jewellery made by enthusiasts for sale on places like Etsy and eBay but now more and more we’re seeing established businesses using the manufacture on demand business model in new and innovative ways.

Whatever their motivation, be it alternative revenue streams or a creative marketing ploy, the ease with which Ultravirgo was able to adapt 3d Printing into its business speaks volumes about the longevity and viability of Shapeways and other businesses like them.

Mymo customizable 3D printed jewellery

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