3D Printing

MakerBot CEO Bre Pettis Starring in a Mazda Commercial

Mazda gathered a number of individuals, who acted as game changers in their respective fields, for their #GameChanger ad campaign. I can’t say I know that much of Mazda to know if they really can be regarded ground-breaking in the automotive industry. However they have chosen Bre Pettis from MakerBot to represent 3D Printing and the maker community. According to Mazda “Bre Pettis started with a simple idea: empower others with creative ideas. As founder and CEO of MakerBot, Pettis designs desktop 3D printers that allow inspired individuals take on manufacturing giants and turn their visions into tangible realities.”

The reaction to this ad has been mixed in the RepRap community, as some feel Bre sold himself out after doing the same to MakerBot. Hit the comments section below to let us know how you feel! Whatever that might be, it is worth checking the video to see how Bre attempts to create parallels between 3D printing and driving a car. “Good art starts with good intention and not knowing the outcome.  This is kind of like driving, you know, for the adventurous driver, for the creative driver that go out in to the landscape and explore what’s out there and really enjoy it.” 

Source: Mazda