3D Platforms

Introducing Wi-Fi Connectivity and Choc Draw

Here at Choc Edge we’re always looking to improve the experience of our customers, whether that’s through upgrading the machine itself or the software that comes with it. This April they announced exciting new developments in both areas – Wi-Fi connectivity to control the printer without the need for a cable, and a mobile drawing app that allows you to instantly print your own designs.


With the addition of Wi-Fi connectivity Choc Creator users will now be able to connect their computers wirelessly to the printer. Previously to connect a PC or laptop to the Choc Creator a lead was necessary. This is great for users who wish to operate the printer via their computer in a kitchen environment where it might not always be convenient to use electronic devices. All future Choc Creators shipped will feature Wi-Fi connectivity.

The Choc Creator also has a USB port allowing G-codes to be loaded via memory stick if a computer connection is not needed.

Wi-Fi connectivity & Choc Draw

Choc Draw

Earlier this year Choc Edge released its web-based text and design customisation tools to its customers, now a new mobile app is available which enables users to create their own artistic designs and print them instantly.

Choc Draw is available for customers with Android tablets and connects wirelessly with the Choc Creator. Using a stylus the user can create a unique design in the app which can then be printed instantly. To make it easier to create designs such as portraits it is possible to add semi-transparent background images to make tracing easy.

Using single-line printing technology the app is ideal for anyone who wants to create repeatable artistic chocolate designs.

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