3D Printing

Father of 3D Printing Tells CNN of the Night he Invented 3D Printing

CNN has released a poised and insightful video interview with 3D Systems founder and Chief Technology officer, Chuck Hull (despite the unfortunate fact that they keep calling him ‘Hall’).

Referring to him as the “quiet and unassuming” father of the 3D printing industry, they hit the nail on the head when they suggested to him that he is “the almost anonymous star of 3D printing.” I’ve long had the feeling that that is exactly how he prefers it too, leaving the prolific media engagement that 3D Systems necessarily undertakes to the more gregarious members of the management team. Not least, the outgoing Avi Reichental, 3D Systems’ CEO.

But seeing him in front of camera, he is wholly relaxed and most comfortable when talking about his beloved technology. At 74 years old, he concedes he should probably have retired, but: “It’s still interesting — so I don’t.” Who can blame him?

Take a look at the interview below, it’s great Friday viewing.

Hat tip to Rachael.