3D Printers

CTC Electronic Launches 4-in-1 Hybrid 3D Printer on Kickstarter

CTC Electronic is quickly becoming a 3D printing powerhouse, releasing a new product what seems like every two months.  After unveiling an SLA 3D printer, a large-format desktop 3D printer, and a dual printhead machine, the Chinese company has launched a hybrid 3D printer, called the Formaker, on Kickstarter.

ctc electronic formaker hybrid 3D printer dual printhead

Priced at $999 on the crowdfunding site, the modular Formaker is capable of CNC engraving, laser cutting, and PCB etching, in addition to dual-extruder FFF 3D printing.  Controlling it via LCD color touchscreen, the hybrid machine’s dual head printer extrudes 1.75mm filament in a print volume of 225 x 145 x 150mm.

ctc electronic formaker hybrid 3D printer

The Formaker features a 350-milliwatt laser (the very real one pictured above) to carve images into card stock, leather, and wood. The CNC module can carve into wood, acrylic, Lexan, brass, aluminum, or plastic.  This module is also responsible for the PCB etching, promised by the CTC device.  While their hybrid machine is compatible with third-party software like Cura for 3D printing, it runs on a CTC platform for its other functions, designed to switch between CNC, Laser, and PCB functions easily.

ctc electronic formaker mill hybrid 3D printer

The Formaker is the result of a year-long collaboration between CTC, led by the firm’s Chris Donovan in the US, and Don Mint in India, along with Yang Ming, a structural design specialist in the UK.  The machine is being produced in the Chinese company’s 8,000 square-meter facility, which CTC claims is able to produce 5,000 3D printers per month.

CTC Electronic, which was founded in 2004, is pushing itself to becoming the leading 3D printer manufacturer through sheer output alone.  Perhaps because the desktop 3D printer industry has evolved quite rapidly since 2012, it seems that the manufacturer may be striving to both catch-up with and then outpace the competition by releasing every type of 3D printer under the sun, including a full-color 3D printer by CES in January of 2016.

ctc electronic formaker hybrid 3D printer pcb etching

Aside from the Polish ZMorph and Italian FABtotum, CTC is the first large desktop 3D printer manufacturer to jump into the hybrid 3D printing game, and at a significantly lower price point.  Though I’ve heard that people are happy with their baseline CTC 3D printers, we’ll have to see if the other machines have been manufactured as well as they have been quickly.  Check out the Formaker at Kickstarter to learn more.

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