3D Printing

Become Legend of Korra’s Amon with 3D Printing

With Legend of Korra being the talk of the Internet after the release of the season 4 trailer, I figured it was a good time to show off some awesome 3D printed Avatar cosplay props. Amon is the evil anti-bender from the series first season and a popular character to cosplay as, due to his dramatic, and creepy mask.

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Devientartist Clothbender designs cosplay props and masks to sell through his Shapeways store, over on his Deviantart page, and you can even hire him over on 3Dhubs. His Amon mask is printed in white nylon and sold unpainted, but Clothbender is kind enough to provide a painting guide so you can get the details exactly right.

amon_mask_raw 3d printing industryClothbender uses Shapeways for his masks due to the size and detail required, but he also has several 3D printers of his own that he implements to create many of his props. He primarily prints with his Objet30 for smaller, high-detail objects, but he also has an Ultimaker Original, a Rostock Max and a MakerGear M2.

Great care and detail goes into a typical cosplayer’s costume and their props are no different. Clothbender used to create his props with traditional manufacturing methods, but when he went away to school and moved into an apartment, he needed to find a way to continue his hobby that didn’t create excessive noise and fumes. 3D printing was a natural fit for him and he’s created some wonderful props.

The Amon mask isn’t a new prop, but since he first put it online for sale about two years ago he’s put together quite the respectable side business. He’s created some really cool cosplay props, both from videogames and other animated shows, and 3D printing makes it possible for him to do it quickly and to sell his designs to other cosplayers.

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Take a look at all of Clothbenders 3D printable props, masks and costume pieces on his Deviantart page, and if you’re a Legend of Korra fan, take a look at the awesome trailer for the final season!