Schools in Victoria, Australia are now using 3D printing to understand biology like never before. This application of additive manufacturing allows young students to visualize the basics of anatomy by…
$28.6M Boosts Advanced Manufacturing in Nottingham University
The University of Nottingham is on its way to become an even more prominent figure in the world of British 3D printing. A ground-breaking ceremony has taken place to mark the start of work to build a …
Russian Researchers Learn How to 3D Print Bullets
A collaboration between Russia’s Foundation for Advanced Research Projects and the Central Scientific – Research Institute for Precision Machine Engineering known as TSNIITOCHMASH has prod…
Studio visit with 3D Printer Fashion Designer: Mingjing Lin
Mingjing Lin is a fashion designer currently studying for her PhD at Royal College of Art, London. Her current project is an ongoing exploration of 3D printings use in fashion and textile design. In h…
U.S Election 3D printing special
Today is one of those days that might decide the fate of humanity. As readers awake today, there will be an extra weight on their shoulders as the rest of the world clutches its mouth anxiously as the…
3D print a better PC
Among the many uses for 3D printing, PC modding would seem like a natural one. Just in the last few years there has been a growing use of additive manufacturing to customize PC setups. This growing in…
In a circular economy 3D printing can help unlock $5bn of waste
According the Imagine 2050 report, companies across three key industries are standing in a mine of wasted materials and energy worth $5 billion, and that is only in the UK. The report was developed by…
3D Printing and Making for Everyone This Weekend
This weekend every Barnes & Noble is hosting a Mini MakerFaire along with a series of parallel activities where visitors will be able to try some cutting edge educational products. And if you happ…
Oak Ridge’s 3D printed magnets outperform traditional ones
A group of researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory demonstrated that 3D printed permanent magnets can outperform their traditionally created counterparts. The 3D printed magnets also manage to cr…
BiotINK: Now you can print tissue with your own 3D printer
Researchers at the Germany’s Technical University of Munich presented their biotINK project at the International Genetically Engineered Machine 2016 Giant Jamboree in Boston on October 29. BiotI…