3D Printing

3D Printing Produces A Golden Goose

No, this isn’t genetic engineering courtesy of Willy Wonka, a ‘gold egg’ is an egg that is scrambled in its shell and then either soft or hard boiled. And they are, actually, quite delicious. Well someone invented a kitchen tool called The Golden Goose to make them, and as ridiculous as it sounds and looks, it could really be the next big thing.

golden egg 3d printing

Product designer Geraint Krumpe used rapid prototyping with a 3D printer to create a simple, low-tech kitchen gadget made from BPA free recyclable materials that can be easily disassembled for cleaning or to replace a damaged part. He designed a soft pod attached to nylon cords that can enclose and support multiple sized eggs and allow you to spin them safely, allowing you to pre-scramble your egg.

goose design prototypes

Take a look at the Kickstarter video to learn all about the Golden Goose:

I first had a golden egg about a year ago when I stumbled on this video showing you a simple way to make them. Well it wasn’t very simple and I broke a few eggs trying, however once I got a few done correctly and prepared them I was impressed with how delicious they were. I don’t make them very often however, because, well, it’s messy and kind of a pain. Needless to say I was pretty excited when I stumbled onto the Kickstarter for the Golden Goose.

3d printing golden egg divided out of shell

The flavour is very creamy and subtle and I just ate them right out of the shell with a little salt. But just seeing some of the preparation options on the Kickstarter page has made me eager to try some new things. A scrambled egg salad sandwich sounds tasty, and I am also considering making the soft-boiled golden eggs.

golden egg salad deviled softboiled

goldenegg action 3d printingYes, in gif form it looks like this could be the next shake-weight but unless you’ve actually eaten a golden egg try to refrain from laughing because they really are worth looking a little silly while preparing. Buying in on the ground floor is only $18.00 and that will get you one of the first pilot run Golden Gooses. If you have your own 3D printer, you can pledge $50.00 and get not only a customized Golden Egg but you’ll also get the files to 3D print and customize replacement parts yourself.

Learn more about The Golden Egg on their Kickstarter page, and if you want to try to make one yourself, take a look at this how-to guide and try out a delicious golden egg. Just make sure you use an apron, and possibly a raincoat.