3D Printing

Researchers 3D Print Robotic Exoskeleton to Rehab Injured Fingers

When serious injury is inflicted upon the human finger, rehabilitation can sometimes be a lengthy and trying process. But researchers out of the Australian-based Curtin University have created a 3D printed robotic exoskeleton in order to aid the process in an efficient and affordable way. After the idea for the project, which was ultimately called the Assisted Finger Orthosis, was thought up by Curtin University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering mechatronics engineer Dr Lei Cui and performance artist Stelarc. The duo enlisted 3D manufacturing help from student Anthony Phan, who worked on the 3D printed hand exoskeleton for his mechatronics thesis project, as well as research assistance from Professor Garry Allison and David Parsons of Curtin’s Faculty of Health Sciences.

Phan and the Assisted Finger Orthosis
Phan and the Assisted Finger Orthosis

Within the 3D printed exoskeleton are small battery-powered linear motors, which are able to be programmed in order to accompany the patient’s finger in regard to their particular rehab process. Using a mixture of 3D printing technology and robotic motors, the Curtin University mechatronic engineering team was able to produce the exoskeleton in one piece, while also allowing a physiotherapist to set the parameters of the motor for each individual’s rehabilitation needs. The Assisted Finger Orthosis is completely customized to what each injury necessitates, utilizing 48 parameters to ensure each 3D printed exoskeleton is personalized with the patient’s hand.


“For each individual finger, the total cost is about $100, it’s very affordable,” Dr. Lei Cui explains. “It would have been very expensive if we had to use traditional manufacturing.”


What this mechatronics engineering team has accomplished with their Assisted Finger Orthosis project showcases potential to make hand-injury rehabilitation less time-consuming and more time efficient process. The hand rehabilitating exoskeleton has already won a $15,000 award from the latest Curtin Commercial Innovation awards, but the team is still looking for further funding help to keep on developing and eventually commercialize the University’s project. The Assisted Finger Orthosis has already proved to be an affordable and customizable endeavor, yet still the Curtin University mechatronics team are hoping to develop this 3D project into an even more legitimate medical-grade device. Once again, 3D printing technology has found yet another way to enhance our overall medical well-being, and is putting the power of injury rehabilitation right into our hands.

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