3D Software

Renishaw’s ‘Company of the Year’ award and new software launch

British company Renishaw have won ‘Company of the Year’ award at the 20th annual NMI awards ceremony. The awards took place at the Hilton Hotel Bankside, London. The NMI, National Microelectronics Institute, is a UK trade association which represents electronic systems. The organisation is non-profit and celebrates world leading industry in the UK. According to Renishaw’s Electronics Design Manager, Pete Leonard, this award, “recognises Renishaw as a forward-thinking engineering company that supports its employees, future employees and new product design and development.” The Gloucestershire-based company were celebrated for their contribution to additive manufacturing among other engineering and scientific technology.

NMI’s CEO Derek Boyd congratulated Renishaw by saying:

This year’s winner is considered to be a hidden gem in the Great British crown. It is a world leader in additive manufacturing and the only UK business that makes industrial machines using metal powder.

Derek Boyd pictured with Renishaw’s Pete Leonard and Stephen Anderson. Image via NMI.

New software update

In other related news, leading 3D development software providers Spatial Corporation announced today (December 6th) the culmination of their long-standing venture with Renishaw. Spatial Corporation, a subsidiary of Dassault Systèmes, have integrated their software development toolkits into Renishaw’s QuantAM software. QuantAM, Renishaw’s build preparation software, is used in additive manufacturing with metal powder.

Stephen Anderson, Director of Group Software at Renishaw explained the issues with .stl files:

It is well-known that the .stl format can cause issues, typically with broken descriptions that need healing, or with low triangle density impacting print quality. Our collaboration with Spatial now allows us to not only perform high-quality healing on .stl files but, more importantly, to import various CAD formats directly.

The major shift following this announcement will be QuantAM’s move away from the .stl representation of a model and towards the ACIS model provided by Spatial. Elsewhere, Renishaw were in the news recently for hosting British Prime Minister Theresa May which was covered in last week’s edition of Sliced. For more details on Renishaw’s business strategy and latest machine, 3DPI interviewed their director of Global Solutions Centers at IMTS.

Featured image shows Peter Leonard (Renishaw) & Steve Anderson (Renishaw). Image via NMI awards. 

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