Preview of Drone Rodeo, 3D printing at CES and drone racing with UVify

UVify is a company based in the U.S with Korean roots and Sculpteo held an interview with them recently to learn more about their relationship with 3D printing. The team at UVify will be present at drone rodeo as well as at CES at the beginning of January showcasing their 3D printed drones. Drone rodeo is a pre-CES ‘high desert event featuring the latest and greatest developments in drone technology‘.

The UVify team. Photo via Sculpteo.
The UVify team. Photo via Sculpteo.

3D printing drones

The team at UVify use 3D printing in order to iterate prototypes which they can test rapidly and enhance desirable characteristics, such as speed or agility. Since they are constantly improving and tweaking the drones, 3D printing is very important to this startup. Robert Cheek, head of business development at UVify, spoke to Sculpteo about how they are using 3D printing to create drones,

We first got funding from robotics: we were building AI, robotics and autonomous systems – self-driving cars, for instance. Eight months ago, we made a shift, to focus on racing drones. We saw it as an exciting opportunity and thought high-speed drones would be a perfect way to show our technology and expertise. Today, we develop and build racing drones as well as robotics technologies, sensors, and artificial intelligence systems.

What’s special about UVify’s drones?

As Robert Cheek explains, UVify’s drone is perfect for both the beginner and the veteran,

Our drone is called Draco, and goes along with replacement and upgrade components. It will be sold as a standalone unit with nylon or carbon fiber arms, in a variety of bundled configurations with radio transmitters, goggles, radio controls, and/or carrying packs.

The drone can be repaired with replaceable components which means it is perfect for those getting to grips with drone flying while also being suited to those who wish to upgrade components as they progress.

UVify's Draco drone. Photo via Sculpteo.
UVify’s Draco drone. Photo via Sculpteo.

Plans for 2017

They haven’t begun mass production as of yet but plan to do so at the end of January, announcing commercial sales at the CES event in Las Vegas. As drone racing continues to evolve in popularity, expect the use of 3D printing in the industry to play a large role. Robert Cheek gave his vision of the future of drone racing:

Expect the unexpected from it. It’s bringing video games into real life, and I believe it will become, in a way, the F1 of the 21st century, a symbol of the current generational cultural shift.

Amazon drone delivery service

Elsewhere in the skies, Amazon recently tested their new drone delivery service having given a glimpse of their 3D printing drone laboratory back in October. They released a video capturing the first delivery using the Prime Air service in Cambridgeshire, England. We’re not sure Amazon’s drone would keep up with UVify’s though.

Amazon release video of their drone delivery service. Photo via Amazon.
Amazon release video of their drone delivery service. Photo via Amazon.

Vote for UVify or Drone Racing as part of the 3D Printing Industry Awards.

Featured image of The Dubai World Drone Prix. Photo via The Verge.